
This is your day of days. You want to commemorate it with gladness and rejoicing. It’s hard to think of something in your life that calls for more celebration than this. Churches, temples and mosques are past masters at celebration, but if you don’t feel this is right or possible for you there is an alternative over and above a basic civil ceremony – as a celebrant I can conduct your wedding ceremony anywhere! No licenced venue is required. I will work with you, to offer you a special, unique and truly memorable addition to your wedding festivities.

With over 10 years of experience, I appreciate that many couples want a spiritual element to their wedding day but not one that demands assent to beliefs they may feel uneasy about, or convictions that may not be held by both partners, and perhaps one element of the family but not the other.

So I work with you to provide a ceremony that is tailor-made for you, whatever your beliefs, whatever your path, whatever your circumstances. The emphasis is on working with you to make your wedding ceremony meaningful, special and truly yours.

However, as a celebrant I cannot legally conduct your actual marriage, but this can take place simply in a 10-minute ceremony in your jeans at a registry office. It is often called a ‘two plus two’ service, just you as a couple and two witnesses and can cost as little as £60 depending on your local council.

What is not so commonly known or understood in this country is that ONLY the *declaratory words and the **contracting words have to be said in a Registry Office or licensed venue in order for your marriage to be recognised in law and for a marriage certificate to be issued.

*Declaratory Words:

“I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I (your name) may not be joined in matrimony to (partner’s name).”

**Contracting Words:

“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I (your name) do take thee (partner’s name) to be my lawful wedded wife (or husband)." (This wording will vary slightly for couples forming a civil partnership).”

These words are the only legal requirements for marriage, as well as formally identifying yourselves to the registrar and signing the marriage/civil partnership register in front of two independent witnesses and a registrar.

The rest of the service, including the exchanging of rings and saying of vows to one another, is purely ceremonial and can therefore take place literally ANYWHERE and at any time of the day or night – you are limited only by your imagination.

It may be a simple ceremony in your home or garden, at sunset on the beach with the waves crashing around you, a local beauty spot, or in the middle of a bluebell wood…

Interested?  I like to meet couples, chat on the phone, and email one another until we get the contents, music, words and rituals absolutely right.

The usual practice would be to conduct your special wedding service soon after your marriage has been legally registered, for example at your wedding reception, which need not be on the same day as your Registry Office civil wedding, or if you have chosen a civil wedding venue, I can work as your celebrant with the venue organisers to add that personal and special element to your ceremony.

Each ceremony is individually written for each couple and will be totally unique.

Marrying Abroad

Many couples these days choose to marry abroad, but still like to have a blessing in front of their family and friends on their return to the UK. By choosing a celebrant to conduct this blessing it means that your ceremony can take place in any location, and can either be of a religious or secular nature.

Renewal of vows

Renewing your vows is a public affirmation of a very personal decision. There are many reasons why couples decide to recommit formally to each other. This may be out of sheer joy as testimony to the ever-deepening experience of what a loving relationship involves at its very best, or it may be to celebrate a special anniversary. For others, renewal may follow on from difficult struggles now resolved.

Many couples like to renew their vows to mark a special anniversary, 25, 40 or 50 years for example, but you can renew your marriage vows at any time. It might be after just one year or after 75, or it may be to reaffirm your love for one another after challenging times or a period of separation.

I will work with you to create a ceremony to celebrate the past, present and future of your marriage. There are no legalities required to renewing your wedding vows, so the location of the ceremony can be held anywhere, either inside or outside (subject to weather!)

Whatever the reason, there is a ceremony for you.

Thoughts which lie too deep for words can be expressed through music, ritual and actions.